SONWAY GROUP is a leading global Supply Service and Procurement Outsourcing Service (POS) Provider. Our services are not limited to the borders and worldwide customer can experience fast delivery, quality at service and products, reasonability at price and knowledgably with SONWAY GROUP.

SONWAY GROUP’s  procurement services, is based on a solid infrastructure consisting of powerful technology, skilled engineers and global Networking operations. Our skilled engineers, not only are expert in process of production of manufacturing activities and workflow in engineering companies and EPC contractors, but also they are trained and experienced in procurement management and supply chain. Our emphasis is to recruit engineers with experience in all facets of the industry for providing procurement and supply service, to know the technicalities and understanding the needs, to ensure sensitivities of the customers can be properly assessed.

SONWAY is an abbreviation of:

S. Strategic

We understand the need to build momentum with short-term gains, but our primary focus is on delivering strategic and sustainable improvements for organizations. Ultimately, that is what always wins out.

O. Open-minded

We use our own and the past experiences of others to help inform their recommendations about the future, but we will not assume that the past will automatically predict the future.

N. Neutral

We deal in facts, not conjecture or perception. We seek evidence before acting and listen without prejudice.

W. Win-win

We seek commercial terms that can deliver the required business outcomes while still enabling the chosen supplier to make a reasonable return on the contract and remain totally motivated to deliver as required.

A. Ambitious

We want to be known for helping to make things happen. We will not be satisfied just being led towards a procurement need. Instead, we will want to proactively support customers in shaping and defining what that need looks like.

Y. Yes

We know that the easiest word to say during the buying process is “no”. However, we also understand that saying “no” will not always create the best commercial and contractual environment for the required business outcomes. Procurement is not a sport. For instance, saying “yes” to dialogue between suppliers and budget holders is a good thing if properly facilitated. Fuller disclosure during a bidding process might generate a more thorough proposal. Being honest about the true opportunity to win the business will ensure that we put sufficient thought into our offer.